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Cell Phone Use While Driving Increases Risk of Accidents in Georgia
Georgia still doesn’t have the kind of strong, comprehensive cell phone laws that Atlanta car accident lawyers would like to see. This is in spite of the fact that there is overwhelming evidence to show that sending or reading text messages and use of cell phones while driving, greatly increases your risk of an accident.
All Evidence Points to Accident Risks from Cell Phone Use
Several studies have shown the grave accident risks form technological distractions at the wheel
· At least one study has indicated that the kind of distraction that occurs when you're talking on a cell phone or texting, is similar to the impaired judgment and delayed responses brought on by drunk driving.
· Another study conducted last year on teen motorists showed that at least 40% of them had been a passenger in a car in which an adult motorist was texting while driving.
· Last year, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute released the results of a study on distracted driving, which showed that the risk of an accident for drivers texting while driving, increased by a staggering 23 times.
All these studies should convince motorists in Atlanta that it simply isn't safe to be yakking on a cell phone, sending a text message or reading one while you're behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many motorists don't seem to have received that particular memo. Even worse, wireless companies and automakers have not really given this issue a lot of thought. Wireless companies, cell phone makers and automakers have the technology to ensure that motorists simply cannot use their cell phone when the car is in motion. Think ignition control devices. These are being used more and more often as part of DUI punishment methods.
How to Prevent Distracted Driving-Related Car Accidents
However, there are some steps that motorists in Atlanta can take to prevent the risk of being involved in an accident while DWT (driving while texting).
· The simplest step to take, of course, would be to simply switch off your cell phone before you begin driving. Unfortunately, for a lot of motorists in Atlanta, this hasn't been as easy as it should. A bad economy has meant that more and more employees are concerned about their jobs, and are therefore, willing to be available for their employers and offices even during off duty hours. This includes being able to communicate with the office while driving the car.
· Some automakers like Ford, now offer voice-activated communication systems in their cars. Ford's Sync allows motorists to initiate a call and have text messages read out, without the need to use their hands to dial numbers or type text messages. Voice activated systems are not distraction-proof. However, the risks from using these systems may be a little lower than using a hand-held cell phone or texting manually.
· If you're addicted to being in touch while on the go, see if you can stop driving, and switch to mass transit instead.