Gordon & Elias, L.L.P.     800 - 773 - 6770

I was hit by a truck driver in a big rig who is self employed and has expired insurance. How do I recover for damages?

Question: Whilepassing by the exit of a truck stop, I was hit by a big rig. The driver didn’teven seem to notice me as he entered the highway. We stopped and exchangedinsurance information. Since then, I’ve discovered he no longer has insurancethrough the company he referenced (his I.D. card had expired) and he’s afreelance truck driver. I did manage to write down his entire license platenumber while I was talking with him. How can I proceed against this driver?

Response:  Given all of the misinformation you weregiven by the other driver, you should hurry and contact an attorney torepresent you in this matter. He or she should be able to help you locate thatwayward truck driver by having the proper authorities run that license platenumber for you through your state’s vehicle registration database. Your lawyercan also tell you what type of accident reports you may need to file to fullyprotect all of your rights.

Truck drivers cause a frightening number of accidents everyyear since many of them don’t stop and obtain adequate sleep. A large number ofthem stay quite fatigued because they know the faster they can drop off oneload, the quicker they can go pick up another one and deliver it. Their effortsto maximize their income in the shortest stretches of driving time threaten allof us.

Answered by: Elizabeth Smith

Additional Resource: StateLaws Related to Trucking Accidents