A truck from a food manufacturing company backed into and dented my car. They are denying fault. Do I need a Lawyer?
Question: Whiletrying to back his big, overloaded truck up to the loading dock behind myneighborhood grocery store, the driver failed to see my small hybrid car andbacked right into me. I’ve tried calling the company the driver said he workedfor along with his insurance agent but no one is returning my phone calls. Thegrocery store manager says the store isn’t liable for my injuries and propertydamage. He thinks I should just keep calling the large food company that hadits name and logo etched on the truck.
Response: It’shard to say what all happened in your situation but you clearly need theresources of an attorney and his or her law firm to help you solve your variousproblems. If the grocery store manager confirmed the name of the large foodcompany that had hired the driver who hit your car, you at least have one majorparty you can probably proceed against.
It will be up to your attorney to determine if the store hasany liability in this matter. If you took any cell phone pictures after theaccident of your car or the truck that hit you, those photos may be of greatbenefit to your case. Hopefully, the store manager or others out on the dockwitnessed the event and will be willing to give their statements on yourbehalf.
Answered by Elizabeth Smith
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