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Truck Accident Causes Questions & Advice

All Truck Accident Causes Questions & Advice

How Can I Prove That Poor Maintenance Caused Fatal Semi-Truck Accident?

Question:  My son and daughter-in-law were recently killed in an accidentinvolving a semi-truck while on vacation in Texas.  According to...

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A piece of metal debree flew off the back of a truck and damaged my vehicle. How do I proceed on recovering for damages?

Question:  A piece of metal flew off a truck infront of me in traffic and smashed into my windshield.  Luckily, no one in the car was hurt, but I...

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Is it common for trucks to have tire blow outs or are they usually as a result from a defective tire?

Question:  My father is an experienced interstate truck driver who wasrecently injured when his semi-truck was involved in a rollover accident.  A...

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My Relatives Were Killed In An Accident Involving A Big Rig in California. The driver was fatigued. Can we file a lawsuit?

Question:  My sister and her husband were recently killedin a rear-end collision with a tractor-trailer big rig.  The police report stated that th...

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