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Children Injured in Camp Bus Accident

Enter Source, Jul 10, 2007

On Monday July 9, 2007, at least 26 kids were hurt when a school bus from Camp Courant traveled backward down the day camp's driveway, rolled over a curb, and continued down an embankment, stopping against a small tree.

All of the children on the bus were 10 or 11 years of age.  They were taken to John Dempsey Hospital at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Hartford Hospital, and The Connecticut Children's Medical Center at Hartford Hospital.

Thankfully, all of the children's injuries were minor.

According to the bus driver, he had trouble climbing the driveway of the camp, and when the bus came to a stop, it started to roll backward.  "When I checked my brakes, the brakes failed completely," he said, standing next to the bus after the accident. "I tried to stop it - I couldn't stop."

An investigation will be held to check the bus for mechanical defects.