Traffic Signals Occasionally Go Into A "Flash" Mode Often Due To Power Glitches
GA DOT, Jan 27, 2005
Traffic signals (traffic lights) ccasionally go into a "flash" mode - often due to power glitches experienced in summer thunderstorms. Additionally, some Georgia cities and counties flash brand new traffic signals for a few days to allow motorists to get used to the presence of the signal.
The signals are usually programmed to either flash red lights for all traffic, OR, flash yellow for the major street traffic and red for the minor street.
As Georgia is populated by drivers from all regions of the country, and many foreign countries, many drivers interpret the flashing signals differently Additionally, the media often provides conflicting information on how to treat flashing lights. This can lead to confusion, unneccesary delay and even accidents. Below are the proper actions for drivers to take at flashing signals:
At intersections where one direction has a flashing yellow light, and the other direction has a flashing red light:
Drivers who have a flashing yellow light do not have to stop. They should proceed cautiously through the intersection. Drivers who have the red flashing light MUST STOP.
They should only pass through the intersection when it is safe to cross. They should not force their way into the intersection and challenge the cross-traffic to stop. In a busy intersection, it may take a while for a gap to develop. Be patient.
At intersections where both directions have a flashing red light: All drivers approaching this type of flashing signal MUST STOP. Then, the intersection should be treated like a four-way stop, with each leg of the intersection taking a turn to proceed.
When there are multiple lanes, it is ok for two (or more) cars side-by-side to go at the same time. It is NOT OK to piggyback across the intersection with the car (or cars) in front of you, though.
Last, but not least, is the proper action to take when a traffic signal is totally dark - such as during a power failure. When approaching an intersection where the traffic lights are completely out, all traffic MUST STOP.
Treat the light as if it was flashing red in all directions (see above). Do not drive through the intersection as if the signal was not there. This is very dangerous, especially if someone in the crossing direction does the same thing.
Patience is the key at flashing traffic signals. With proper and courteous driving techniques during this situation, delays can be kept to a minimum. Usually, flashing traffic signals only last a short time before they resume normal operation.