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Gordon & Elias, L.L.P.     800 - 773 - 6770

How to Negotiate an Accident Settlement with a Trucking Company

After a truck accident, the costs associated with medicalexpenses, property damage, lost time from work, compensation for permanentinjuries, pain and suffering can add up to a great deal of money.Unfortunately, the truck drivers insurance adjuster, or a commercial truckingcompany will try to avoid having to pay the full amount.

Many people are unaware that many truck accident cases end upsettling for many thousands of dollars if not more. Most people should probablytalk to an attorney to make sure they get all the money that they are entitledto. Below are some things to consider to get maximum compensation for a truckaccident claim.

Collect all Medical Records andDamage Files

It is important to start a file containing all related paperwork,including but not limited to medical reports and records, property damageestimates, work records for missed employment, records of prescriptionsrequired for pain and anything else related to the accident.

Do Not Sign Any Paperwork afterthe Accident

The insurance company representing the truck driver or truckingcompany will likely offer an initial settlement that is far less that what isrequired by law. The insurance company knows that most people will not talk toan attorney right away, and if they can get a settlement offer signed they cansave themselves a lot of money.

Carefully Consider All RelatedExpenses

While most people do not have the experience required to place avalue on a truck accident claim, but knowing all of the related expenses is astart. Add up everything related to the trucking accident. Every medical bill,prescription cost, auto damage, time spent not working and anything elserelated.

Special Damages

After expenses come special damages such as pain and suffering,anxiety, depression, loss of enjoyment of life and any other none monetarydamages. These are very difficult to calculate and require an experiencedattorney.

Most truck accident or big-rig accident lawyers, such as the attorneys at the law offices of Gordon & Elias, L.L.P. willoffer a free consultation where a truck accident victim can discuss their legal options. Contact us today by filling out the form or calling TOLL FREE: 800 - 773 - 6770. to make sure you are paid to the full extent allowed by law.